Saturday, February 12, 2011

Censorship of the Internet.

One immense advantage of the Internet is that the user has access to an infinite amount of information, some biased, some not.  However, talk of the government taking over the Internet leads to a growing concern that information once readily available to all consumers will soon take a turn toward the “censored” side.  According to the article “Oh, the Hypocrisy: Congress Is Fine With a ‘Government Takeover of the Internet’” found at the Huffington Post, the United States Congress is seemingly unconcerned with the prospect of the government controlling what is available on the Internet.  This greatly concerns me and causes me to wonder, what about our right to freedom of speech?  Limiting ones words, whether on the Internet or in any other form, inhibits the voice of individuals to be heard. Just because the government deems information inappropriate for viewing does not mean the information is.  It is outrageous that Congress would promote censorship and everyone should be concerned.

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